In this section we will learn how to link layers.
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In this section we will learn how to link layers.
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The linking process is used to smoothly blend in our desired Animator Profile in runtime.
Let's take at the linking functionality in the source code:
The system has a way to link a Game Object, if it contains the Animator Profile. This is only possible if your Game Object has an FPSEntityComponent:
Then, in your controller code, you can just pass the weapon Game Object to the LinkAnimatorProfile method, and it will work as expected.
The UnlinkAnimatorProfile is used to blend out the currently active profile, which might be useful when you do not want to use the system at all.
Let's see how we can apply the linking in practice. Here's a code snippet from the demo:
In the demo project, weapons control the equipment logic, and because our weapon has an FPS Animator Entity component, we can just pass the gameObject as a parameter.
It is also possible to link individual layers:
In this example, we play a procedural unequip animation by dynamically linking an unEquipMotion
In the next section, we will learn how to integrate animation framework components with a third-party controller.