๐ฎInput System
In this section you will learn about the property system.
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In this section you will learn about the property system.
Last updated
The FPS Animation Framework introduces a standalone input property system. The idea is that you can define custom properties in the Input Config asset and then use them in runtime:
Once the game starts, the User Input Controller will register all the properties from the Input Config, so they can be modified in runtime. So far only 4 types are supported:
Tip: floats have an interpolation feature. Set the interpolation speed to something higher than 0, and the system will automatically interpolate the value in realtime. This is a useful function for weights, when you want to smoothly disable/enable some animation features.
The framework provides a default Input Config, which you can use as a starting point:
To get or set values in runtime, you can use these methods:
While it is possible to get/set a property by name, it is recommended to use the property index instead. You can get the property index in the Start() event like this:
Now let's learn what parameters control what in the default Input Config.
PlayablesWeight - controls the weight of the custom animations.
StabilizationWeight - controls the stability of the upper body. If set to 1 - fully stabilized, if 0 - overidden locally, stability is not guaranteed.
LeanInput - defines the lean angle. Used in the Look Layer.
Aiming Weight - controls the weight of the ADS. It is modified in the Ads Layer, and used in the View Layer.
TurnOffset - controls the character rotation offset to counter player rotation (it is used sed for turning in place).
IsAiming - defines the current state of aiming.
UseFreeAim - whether we use the dead-zone mechanic or not. Only used in the Sway Layer.-
MouseInput - defines accumulative mouse look input. X is the yaw rotation, while Y is the pitch rotation. Z and W components are not used. Primarily used by the Look Layer.
MouseDeltaInput - defines the delta mouse look input. X is the yaw delta rotation, while Y is the pitch delta rotation. Only used by the Sway Layer.
MoveInput - defines the current movement input. X represents the horizontal movement, and Y - is horizontal. Used by the Sway Layer.