IK Motion Layer
IK Motion is a unique Animator Layer. Unlike other features in the framework, this layer can be created outside of the Animator Profile. You can do it by right clicking Create -> KINEMATION -> FPS Animator Layers -> IK Motion.
Tip: this layer can be used for transition motions, like a jiggling motion when aiming or leaning in the demo project.
The workflow with this animation feature is this:
Add IK Motion Layer to the Animator Profile.
Create IK Motion Layers manually using the right-click method above.
Dynamically link desired IK Motion Layer using the FPS Animator component.
Dynamic linking can be performed by using LinkAnimatorLayer method:
Bone To Animate: character bone which will be animated procedurally.
Rotation/Translation Curves: curves which will animate each axis of rotation/translation.
Rotation/Translation Scale: will scale each axis of rotation/translation.
Blend Time: time in seconds to blend in this motion.
Play Rate: playback speed for this animation.
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