Spinning Character

There're 2 main resons why character could be spinning.

Reason 1 - Animation problem

It's possible that the animation you use is incompatible with your character (e.g. a Humanoid animation on a Generic character).

How to fix

Make sure that the type of your animation and the avatar are the same.

You can find the rig type for your animation in the character settings:

Tip: animation assets in the demo are separated, you can find Humanoid and Generic clips respectively in the Demo/Character directory.

Reason 2 - Zero keyframes

This is a common issue for some animation assets.

Unity lets you import animations without keyframes, meaning the animation doesn't change the bone's rotation or position. This is problematic for procedural animation; the bone is altered using IK and isn't reset in the next frame because of the zero-keyframe.

How to fix?

You can add missing keyframes in Unity, but it's tedious. If you have Blender installed, you can import and export your animation with this option enabled:

Reason 3 - Incorrect AimOffset

It's possible that your AimOffset rotates bones like Root or Skeleton:

How to fix?

Remove the unecessary bones from the aim offset, re-calculate the bones angles and save the aim table.

Last updated