
In this section you will learn more about AnimSequence

AnimSequence is an animation asset, which includes animation clip and settings for blending. To create a new one right-click Create->FPS Animator->AnimSequence.

Tip: you can also select multiple animations, and do the same to simplify the process and automatically create AnimSequences for your animations.

  • Clip - your animation clip.

  • Spine Rotation - rotation offset applied to the spine root when animation is played.

  • Mask - what bones will be animated. If null - the upper body will be used instead.

  • Blend Time - defines time to blend in and out in seconds.

  • Curves - list of the curve parameters, which will be modified in runtime.

AnimSequence is used for playing animations and static poses. Let's see a difference between a static pose and an animation.

Tip: static poses need only a Clip and a Blend Time to be specified. Everything else is ignored by the system.

Note: only Clip and Blend Time is specified.

This is how the static pose animation clip looks like:

Tip: you can create a static pose for your weapon by duplicating a reloading animation and deleting all frames except the first one.

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