Pose Blending

This layer blends a custom pose with the current active character animation. You can use it to fix strange looking upper body animations.

The blending is controlled by the Blend Asset - a scriptable object, that contains bones and weight parameters:

  • Base Weight - controls how much we want to affect the base character pose. Note: Head and Neck bones should be set to 1.

  • Anim Weight - controls how much animation we want to apply to the final result. If you set it to zero, the bone will not be affected by the animation (like a reload for example).

You can create a new Blend Asset by right clicking -> Create -> FPS Animator -> Blend Asset.

It's required to create an avatar mask, which will control what bones will be affected by the blending. Once the mask is selected, make sure to click Refresh button to update the Blend Asset.

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