Broken Character Pose

If a character pose is broken in the play mode, there can several potential issues.

Reason 1 - Rig type mismatch

The most common problem is the animation type mismatch - when a Humanoid animation is used with a Generic character or vice versa.

The problem might be with:

  1. Animations in the animator

  2. AnimSequence and custom animations

How to fix?

Check if the animations in the animator have the correct animation type. You can easily do this by using the Validator Tool Windows/FPS Animation Framework/FPS Animation Validator/:

Validator will let you know if there're any issues, and will provide a possible solution. You also can use this tool to check weapons or animations.

If your Animator animations are fine, make sure to check the OverlayPose:

Tip: custom made animations from the demo are Generic and won't work with Humanoid characters!

Last updated