In this section you will learn more about CoreAnimGraph
CoreAnimGraph is responsible for dynamically playing animations and poses from code, as well as for curve-blending.
Think of it as an extension for the Unity Animator, where you can play animations right from code.
CoreAnimGraph is based on AnimationLayerMixerPlayable's and a custom CoreAnimMixer playables. The structure of the whole graph is this:
Unity Animator - pose from your animator controller.
Overlay Poses - animation mixer, that blends static poses. Static poses are important for the proper IK placement and blending with dynamic animations.
Dynamic Animations - any motion played from code via the PlayAnimation() method.
Methods and properties
// Called when a character is instantiated or initialized.
public bool InitPlayableGraph()
// Called every frame to update the mixers and weights.
public void UpdateGraph()
// Returns spine root rotation for this animation.
public Quaternion GetSpineOffset()
// Returns the curve value of the CoreAnimGraph, not the Animator (!!!).
// CoreAnimGraph has its own system for curve blending.
public float GetCurveValue(string curveName)
// Returns the blending progress of the static pose.
public float GetPoseProgress()
// Sets the graphWeight.
public void SetGraphWeight(float weight)
// Plays a static pose.
public void PlayPose(AnimationClip clip, float blendIn, float playRate = 1f)
// Plays a dynamic animation.
public void PlayAnimation(AnimationClip clip, AnimTime blendTime, Quaternion spineRot, AnimCurve[] curves = null)
// Stops currently playing animation.
public void StopAnimation(float blendTime)
// Returns if graph is playing.
public bool IsPlaying()
// Updates all mixers weights.
public void UpdateGraphWeights()
// Plays the first frame of the clip on the character.
public void SamplePose(AnimationClip clip)
public AvatarMask GetUpperBodyMask()
// Starts in-editor preiview.
public void StartPreview()
// Stops in-editor preiview.
public void StopPreview()
// If 1 - the graph is fully enabled, if 0 - disabled.
public float graphWeight;
// What bones will be animated by static poses and animations.
[SerializeField] private AvatarMask upperBodyMask;
// Max amount of blending animations or poses.
[Tooltip("Max blending poses")] private int maxPoseCount = 3;
[Tooltip("Max blending clips")] private int maxAnimCount = 3;