🔸Weapon Anim Asset

In this section we will learn about Weapon Anim Asset properties.

Weapon Anim Asset represents settings, unqiue for each item or weapon.


  • Rotation Offset: defines the weapon default rotation additive offset. You can use it if the default weapon rotation is misaligned with the viewmodel.

  • Aim Offset Table: aim offset for your character. For more see Look Layer.

  • Recoil Data: recoil data asset reference. For more see Recoil Layer.

  • Overlay Pose: AnimSequence reference, which is used as a default character pose. It's used to set up the IK default transforms, as well as in the animation layers via OnPoseSampled callback.

  • Weapon Bone: defines default weapon position. It's not required if your animation already contains keyframes for WeaponBone or ik_hand_gun game objects. However, if you use a Humanoid character you have to use this property to adjust weapon default transform.

Ads Layer

  • Ads Data: defines blending parameters for the Ads Layer. 0 means that absolute aiming will be used, and 1 - additive aiming. The absolute aiming will completely override the base animation, while the additive will be added on top of it. Make sure to tweak the values to acheive a better effect while aiming.

  • Viewmodel Offset: defines transform offset proeprties for the IK system and IK hands.

Sway Layer

  • Aim Sway Settings: defines the spring data for rotation and translation.

  • Free Aim Settings: defines deadzone or free aiming mechanic settings.

    • Max Value: maximum allowed offset value.

    • Interpolation Speed: smoothing speed.

    • Input Scale: multiplied by the player mouse delta.

  • Move Sway Settings: defines settings for movement weapon sway.

    • Translation/Rotation Scale: global multipliers for translation/rotation.

    • Position/Rotation Spring Settings: spring settings.

    • Translation/Rotation Damping Factor: how fast should it go to zero.

Weapon Collision

  • Block Data

    • Weapon Length: defines the maxmimum length of the barrel.

    • Start Offset: the start forward offset of the ray.

    • Threshold: maximum allowed clipping amount.

    • Rest Pose: this pose will be applied if the threshold is exceeded.


  • Ads Recoil Offset: virtually offsets weapon pivot for Recoil.

  • Ads Sway Offset: virtually offsets weapon pivot for Sway.

These features are only applied when aiming.

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