This layer dynamically rotates character spine bones to look around and lean. The layer inspector includes 3 tabs:
Blending: contains general setting for smoothing.
Aim Offset: contains settings for character spine rotation.
Leaning: contains settings for leaning feature.
Pelvis Layer Alpha - controls how much pelvis is affected.
Pelvis Lerp Speed - smoothing speed for pelvis alpha.
AimOffset contains 2 lists of bones that are used for aiming.
Every element contains a reference to the bone transform, and maximum look angles: X is the max look Up/Right, and Y is the max look Down/Left.
Tip: Goblin character has a tail, so we want it to be affected by aim offset, so just add the tailbone to the list and set Index Offset to 1 - now it’s not going to be changed by auto distribution.
It’s possible to use a single set of bones and angles for all weapons, but practically speaking, almost all the time we need different angles for different items or weapons.
Once you are satisfied with the spine rotation of your character, click the Save Table button:
This will create an aim offset in the Assets directory. Now you can create multiple data assets for different items.
Don't forget to specify the right aim offset in your weapon prefab!